Recruiting the right person for the right job…

İş REIT, which sees every one of its employees as a potential pioneer, carries out its recruitment activities through its Human Resources and Education Department. The process begins when management becomes aware of the need for additional employees, and continues with the relevant manager filing a “Request Form” in the Human Resources and Education Department. In line with the information submitted in this form, applications received from applicants that have filled in İş REIT Human Resources Form or filed their applications through similar channels are evaluated and candidates are invited for an initial interview. The Competence-based initial interview with Candidates is carried out by the HR expert. If the initial interview ends with a positive assessment, the candidate is invited for a second interview. The second interview is carried out by the HR expert and the relevant Manager. The candidate is evaluated with regard to his behavioral competencies by the HR expert, while his technical competencies are evaluated by the Manager. Unless decided otherwise based on the nature of the position, the recruitment decision is taken at the end of the third interview. The candidates deemed eligible are offered the job and briefed on the relevant details such as work conditions, fees, job description etc., once more. Upon a verbal agreement, the candidates are sent a written “Job Proposal Form”. If the process is brought to a successful conclusion, the administrative process regarding employment and orientation is carried out by the HR